Weight Management Report
Not everyone burns fat the same way. Get personalised recommendations and insights based on your genetics. Work with your body to burn body fat and reach your weight goal.
Requirements: Purchase of Essential Start report, LifeStyle Plus Report, Methylation Consult
Six Weight Management Recommendations
Receive personalised recommendations and insights based on your genetics. This report is designed to reveal how you can work with your body to burn body fat and reach your weight goal.
Inflammation coordination
How large a role does Inflammation play in your weight story?
Is fasting good for you or your worst weight loss mistake?
A food recommendation to boost your weight loss journey.
Temperature guidance
Do your genetics prefer hot or cold environments to help you burn fat?
Diet to exercise ratio
Specific guidance on where you should focus your energy.
A powerful supplement to support fat loss, personalised to your genetics.
Three Genetic Predispositions:
Natural athleticism
Are you naturally athletic or will you need to put in extra effort to become an athlete?
Binge eating
You may need to be more cautious to prevent yourself from overeating.
Impulse control
Will sticking to a diet be harder for you than most?
All your reports in one place
As soon as your genetic SNP test has been processed, your analysis and report will be available in your Ingeneous online portal. Your reports will all be viewable through a dashboard layout, with well-presented detail and recommendations to follow.
Discover again and again
Ingeneous lives on the edge of genetic science, with future advancements as we evolve you will have the opportunity to learn more from your DNA, all off the one genetic test that you took at the start of your wellness journey with us!
Barry Thompson
"Four weeks in and I've not only lost 4kgs but I'm officially not a type 2 diabetic anymore. I couldn't be happier with the results."
Anna Jobsz
Ladies Who Lunch
“Unlocking my genetic blueprint answered so many questions I had about my health! Now I know the foods, supplements and healthy living tools that are perfect for me.“
Your Ingeneous Journey
Our reports are designed to be useful and completed as part of a journey to wellness, with recommendations you can action.
Weight Management requires Essential Start, LifeStyle Plus, and Methylation Consult.
Purchase Essential Start Test Kit